
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Smalley Four-Animals Personality Test

Hey there you internet people.

So, my internet is back up, but I still haven't been posting. I haven't been able to work on any of my books, either, because I've been:

1) looking for a job.
2) studying for Arabic finals
3) trying to finish the rest of school
4) working on college stuff

I don't like it. All I want to do is hide in my room and read and write and write and read and listen to music. Alas, that is not to be. *whine whine*

Anyway, to make up for my long absence and shameful lack of postage, I thought I'd give you guys a present. It's a personality test, because I know how we all love personality tests. Except for the Younger Brother. He hates them. On every question, his answer is "I dunno".

This personality test has four animals: lion, otter, golden retriever, and beaver. The nice thing about this particular test is that it doesn't tell you YOU ARE A 100% LION. It tells you how much of a lion you are -- your "lion score", per se.

For instance, I'm a beaver with high lion scores, and rather low golden retriever and otter scores. You can even be a total mix among all four, like my mom; she gets nearly even numbers in all the categories. The highest score you can get in a category is a 57.

After you've done the test and added up your scores, the key tells you the strengths and weaknesses of each animal, and then gives some advice at the bottom. Based on your score in each category, you can see how much the information applies to you.

I don't know how accurate this test will be for you, but in my experience it's been rather accurate. Most of the beaver stuff describes me pretty well. My dad is almost 100% lion -- he scores so high in lion and so low in all the other categories. The Younger Brother is an otter. My mom is the only anomaly.

If you take it, you should tell me what you are! I'd be interested to hear. Anyway, enjoy!

...And hopefully I'll start posting more consistently. We'll see, anyway. :P

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